Look familiar? Look up. A photo of this sculpture at the NC Arboretum was taken by me nearly five years ago and used as the header for The Asheville Fling 2012 blog.
I needed something striking, something pretty, something gardeny, something uniquely Asheville for the header. This sculpture fit the bill. The Arboretum even uses this work in their promotion and advertising. But I did not know who the artist was after all these years.
Today I will fix that. Martin Webster of Burnsville, NC is the artist of this wonderful work.
I also saw a living artist while at the NC Arboretum today. Amy Stewart, a botanically bent author gave a talk on her book Wicked Plants to mark the opening of the Arboretum’s exhibit based on her book.
The traveling Exhibit Wicked Plants runs through September at the Arboretum and will be there for your pleasure when the bloggers arrive in less than two weeks.
I bought two books so Amy was kind enough to autograph them and pose for the camera with me. I have now met all four Garden Ranters. It’s official. I am the Fanboy as some Chicago commenter snidely remarked.
Speaking of Stewartias. This native Mountain Camellia, Stewartia ovata var. grandiflora I think was in full bloom next to the education building.
I want one, though the elevation information does not bode well for me.
It has been about two years since my last visit to the NC Arboretum. In that time a new sculpture has arrived. I like it.
This artist won’t have to wait five years for me to give her credit.
I might post a few more enticing pictures of my visit to the NC Arboretum later or you can just wait til you get here and see it all for yourself..