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The Home Stretch!

Can you believe we're almost ONE MONTH away from the 2023 Philadelphia Area Fling?! I can't even begin to share my excitement about what we have in store for you here in America's Garden Capital! I've been busy getting the final details lined up, but just this past week I have TWO new gardens to add to the listing. Is it even possible that we have so much good stuff for you to enjoy?? I got the final menus for the Thursday evening event at Longwood as well as the Chanticleer Friday evening event. WOW! Even I'm impressed. Half of me wants you to just show up and experience it without any idea of how mind blowing it'll be, but that isn't going to happen HAHA! I'm heavily scheduled to visit each of the sites in the coming weeks for final details and images so I'll share a few of those on the next blog posts. ARE YOU READY?

Steve & Ann Hutton's Owl Creek Farm is a 20+ year old garden that's overflowing with color and texture

Their Mediterranean-inspired back garden come from the time they lived in the Côte d'Azur of France.

Miles of paths meander through their acres of meadows that are approaching their peak season

The Jurassic Garden is super fun with an oversized entry and plants to match!

All great gardens have artwork and some of theirs was created by Simple (who's garden we'll also visit on the tour!) Stay tuned for another post about that!

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