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Oh roomie, oh roomie, wherefore art thou?

We’re excited to have so many bloggers registered for the Fling in the first few days. If you haven’t signed up, we encourage you to register now to ensure your spot.

For some bloggers, this trip is a great way to see gardens, have fun, and have a room all to themselves to recharge. Other bloggers prefer to have a roommate to to save money and make a new friend.

We’ve seen several comments on multiple Facebook threads about roommates. To help facilitate that process for those who want to share a room, we’re starting a new thread to give attendees a single place to look for a room or a roommate. So, if you have a room and need a mate, or you’re a mate in need of a room – check out the Roomie post on Facebook.

One of the Austin planners, Laura, of Wills Family Acres, highlights her great experience sharing a room:

“At my first two flings, I roomed with an Austin blogger I knew well. I enjoyed the comfort of knowing my roommate, but I didn’t branch out as much. Spending most of our time together meant I didn’t meet as many other bloggers. My friend didn’t go to D.C. this summer, but I still wanted to save on hotel cost, so I nervously put myself out there, looking for a roommate on the Fling Facebook page. I roomed with Joanne from Toronto. What a great experience! Not only did I make a new friend in Joanne, but I made many more new friends by getting out of my safe bubble.”

— Laura

At the first fling in Austin back in 2008, traveling to another city or state to meet bloggers for the first time simply wasn’t done. But, so many things brought us together, from gardening and blogging to photography.

Special friendships were formed at that first fling that continue today.

So, whether you plan to relax and enjoy a peaceful experience in your solo room, or you reach out for a roommate, we hope

the Austin fling launches some lovely friendships.


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