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The Happy Planner Man

You have all made me a very happy Planner Man. Our block of rooms at the hotel is at 90% reserved. That means I won’t get stuck with a big bill. It also means there are only 4 rooms left. I know many of you are sharing rooms or made alternate arrangements. Thanks for letting me know. I also know some of you have not made hotel reservations. I hope the four rooms left will cover the procrastinators or that you can find a roomie. If I need to ask for more rooms, the group rate is not an absolute sure thing depending on the overall bookings at the hotel.

Strangely, people enjoy coming to Asheville. The hotel across the street had filled their allowed group quota back in October. Another hotel out by the interstate was planning for the NC Master Gardeners Convention to begin that same weekend. Hotel rates here can be rather high due to demand.

As of today there are 3 seats left on the buses. Once they fill registration will be closed. We will be starting a standby list in case a space opens up due to a cancellation. But who in their right mind would cancel the chance to see incredible private and public gardens in the cool mountain spring of Fabulous Ashevegas, the Cesspool of Sin.


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