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Curating Asheville Fling 2012

Following a good example from Jim Charlier and the Buffalo Fling in 2010, I would like to gather all your posts about Asheville Fling 2012 in a collection organized by gardens, or as close to that as you make them.

Please posts links to your blog posts in the comments section here so I may have easy access to them to curate into new posts directing folks directly to your visions of Asheville, it gardens and gardeners. Don’t worry if the comment section gets long. This will only be a landing place for organizing them into groups for further posts. I like to have things organized. I bet you will too.

Thank you all for coming to Asheville from your very happy Planner Man and the entire team who put this on, FrancEs G., Helen Yoest, Lisa Wagner, Nan Chase, Rebecca Reed and my super minion Ana Calderin.


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