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Planning Your Trip to Madison

We’ve thrown a lot of Fling information at you during the past few months (and years 😉 ), and it can be hard to find all the information you’re looking for. So here’s a list of important links and information you’ll need for making final arrangements for your trip to Madison next week.

Communication #hashtag Our hashtag for the 2022 Garden Bloggers Fling is #gbFling2022. Please be sure to use that every time you post something about the Fling on your favorite social media site. It’s a great way for sponsors, garden owners, and fellow Flingers to follow along on our adventures.

Facebook Group It’s also important to note that all our communication during the busy days of the Fling is done through our Facebook group. If you’re coming to the Fling, but you’re not a member of that group yet, please click here and request to join. Then turn on the FB notifications, and keep your eyes peeled for important announcements from now all the way through the Fling (and afterward as people start posting pictures and blog links about the Fling!)

Important Links

Food Some of your food will be provided, but not all of it. Here’s a list so you know what to expect:

Thursday: *A wealth of appetizers and beverages at our welcome event

*If you’re still hungry, check out the nearby restaurants for a light snack

Friday: *You’re on your own for breakfast *Lunch *Snacks on the bus *You’re on your own for dinner; we won’t be back until early evening

Saturday: *You’re on your own for breakfast, but eat lightly—we’ll provide a buffet brunch

*Brunch *Snacks on the bus *Banquet dinner

Sunday: *You’re on your own for breakfast *Lunch *Snacks on the bus *You’re on your own for dinner

Your hosts for the Madison Garden Bloggers Fling: Please remember that each Fling is planned, coordinated, and run by volunteers. This is not our full-time job. So please, please be patient if you experience any glitches during the Fling. We’ll do our best to make sure everything goes as planned, but with every BIG event, there’s always something. So, patience and understanding are always appreciated!

Beth Stetenfeld of

Anneliese Valdes of Cobrahead Blog

Thank you! See you soon!


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